Cookies and tracking technologies policy

What are cookies and tracking technologies?

Cookies are small pieces of text sent to your browser by a website. They help that website remember information about your visit, which can make it easier to visit the site again and make the site more useful to you.

Web beacons are electronic images or other technologies embedded on a website or email, which can be used to record visitor numbers and whether the content has been viewed.

Log files store automatically collected information such as IP addresses, browser types, ISPs, reference/exit pages, operating systems, and date/timestamps.

An ET Tag is an HTTP protocol transferred between the browser and server. It can act as a substitute for cookies to track individual users so we can improve Laifen Services.

Why do we use cookies and tracking technologies?

Cookies and tracking technologies enable us to better understand our users so we can provide improved services. They can be used also be used to track things essential to the service, such as language choice, session information, and shopping cart contents.

How we use tracking technologies?

1. We partner with third parties to use their tracking technology.
We, our affiliated companies, and our third-party partners periodically collect information through tracking technologies.

Our analysis partner assists us in developing an in-depth understanding of Laifen Services. For example, collecting website and application form usage data, collecting basic demographic information, and analyzing recent trends.

Our customer support service partner assists us in better responding to customer inquiries and providing a better Laifen experience to our users.

Our service partner assists in managing and providing certain service functions, such as web caching, translation, and map services.

We may obtain reports on users containing data acquired through these tracking technologies.

2. We also use our own tracking technologies to help personalize your service experience. For example, cookies and web beacons are used to store Site preferences and the help assistant can be improved through conversation analysis. We also utilize these tracking technologies to better understand what activities that users carry out in our Service or the relative popularity of pages or links.

3. Please note that our Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party tracking technologies and we bear no responsibility for those technologies. Data that we collect may be combined with data from third-party tracking technologies. For example, if Laifen Services are installed through a third-party online advertisement, we and/or our third-party partners can utilize the tracking technologies to identify what channel the user learned about Laifen Services from.

How can you manage cookies and tracking technologies?

You can prohibit or manage different tracking technologies, such as cookies or web beacons, by changing your browser or device settings. Please note that if the use of tracking technologies is prohibited, we may be unable to provide the best Laifen Service user experience, and some functions may not operate normally. You can also control which information can be collected through the Laifen Service settings.